
Kiss me

Kiss me

A nightmare haunts Lidia: the feeling of being watched , hands clutching at her, and above all an intense feeling of sadness. Over time, this bad dream leads to panic attacks and difficulty in taking the step of having sex for the first time. The trigger was a conversation with a friend who complained about a teacher with dubious behaviour. These words awaken in her the deeply buried memories of abuse suffered in her childhood. This realisation marks the beginning of a slow rebuilding. 

With Kiss Me, her first graphic novel, Lídia Mathez has written a sensitive and powerful autobiographical story. Her minimalist, manga-inspired line contributes to telling the story of her painful reappropriation of her body without pathos. 

Sélection du Prix Delémont’BD de la meilleure première œuvre de bande dessinée suisse 2023

Age: 15+

Pages : 96

Size: 21 x 28 cm

ISBN : 9782889086207

Publication: 2023

Keywords: , , , , , ,


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