The history of La Joie de lire goes back to 1937, when Paul Robert founded the bookshop of the same name in Geneva. The idea was a pioneer and La Joie de lire became one of the first children’s bookstores in Europe. Francine Bouchet took over the management in 1981 and set up several activities, including “Reading Wednesdays” and the “Enfantaisie” Price which she launched in 1987.
That same year, she founded the publishing house La Joie de lire, thus joining the long Swiss tradition of committed book publishers. “I came to publishing late,” she comments.
After a few years in the Faculty of Letters, Francine Bouchet began teaching and became interested in psychology. “They were my formative years in a way. I learned a lot in all fields”. A taste for eclecticism that is reflected in the catalog that she has developed intuitively, “according to the meetings”.
If the editor trusts her instinct and knows how to let herself be surprised, certain requirements remain. First of all, the quality of the text and the images, but also a lot of creativity because if her books do not have a pedagogical function, they must have an educational value.
The book as a space of freedom, the book as “a proposal that does not provide an answer”.
Éditions La Joie de lire SA
5, chemin Neuf
CH-1207 Genève
Tél. +4122 807 33 99
Editor: Francine Bouchet
Head of communication
and press relations:
Camille Bernasconi
Graphic design:
Art Director: Pascale Rosier
Graphic designer: Christelle Duhil
Foreign rights:
Carina Diez Solari
Media contact for France:
Helen Maxwell Broustet
The books of La Joie de lire are available in all good bookshops.
France / Belgiun :
B.P. 20150 – 13 631 Arles cedex
Tél. : +33 (0)4 90 49 58 05
Fax : +33 (0)4 90 49 58 35
Switzerland :
Z.I.3 Corminbœuf, P.O.Box 1152
CH-1701 Fribourg
Tél. : +41 (0)26 467 51 11
Fax : +41 (0)26 467 54 66
Z.I.3 Cormimbœuf, Rte André Piller 39
CH-1720 Corminbœuf
Tél. : +41 (0)78 686 54 68 /
+41 (0)79 775 27 00
Canada :
539, Boulevard Lebeau, Saint-Laurent
Québec H4N1S2
Tél. : +1 514 336 3941
Fax : +1 514 331 3916
For any questions or requests about foreign rights, please contact:
Carina Diez Solari