Adrienne Barman is back, five years after the tremendous success of her book Funny Encyclopedia of Animals: it sold over 10 000 copies in French and was translated into 12 languages around the world! Today, she tackles the world of plants while taking the same humorous approach on drawing and staging, and, as always, adds her own special touch, a colossal task! Over the course of the book, the readers make their way through mountain plants, vegetables, bushes, and aromatic plants such as bitter orange, kumquats, starflower, badian, chervil, Arabic alfalfa, verbena, mimulus, Boston fern, Chinese hibiscus, Canary palm trees, paulownia… names that make you dream. A tour of the garden, of luscious meadows and forests may turn out to be a tour of the world, of different countries and their scents. The Funny Plant Encyclopedia is a wonderful book to offer to gardeners in the making and all nature lovers!