Jonas is fourteen years old and lives with his parents, his little sister, and his grandmother in Eritrea. His favourite activity is to go fishing with his father. He knows all the different fish species and is able to recognise them by the sound of their fins and their movements in the water. School is not really his thing. Studying bores him and he frequently falls asleep during classes. One day, the school principal informs him that he has obtained a special permit and can join the army now despite his young age. But the Eritrean army is worse than prison: the soldiers are mistreated and some of them don’t survive. To save Jonas, his parents decide to send him to stay with a distant cousin in England. From then on, the young boy embarks on a difficult and dangerous journey. All
alone, not speaking any language other than the Tigrigna, he feels lost, sad and frightened. Once he arrives in Calais, it becomes even worse. It is cold, it often rains, the living conditions are miserable: his shoes get all wet, his money is stolen, and more often than not, he is hungry. To get away from the camp, he builds himself a little shack in the dunes where he plans to stay until he can find a way to continue his journey to England…